Jen Update - August 9th
The latest on Jen....she has remained stable throughout today so far. She has even been a little responsive this afternoon, although the moments have been fleeting. The doctors came in and told us what to expect tomorrow morning. They will not wean her off the sedative before removing the breathing tube. Today, they stopped the IV drips that weren't absolutely necessary, and are trying to bring off some of the excess fluid that has built up in Jen's body. The hope is to dry up her lungs as much as possible before removing the tube. The doctors do not hold out a lot of hope that once the tube is removed, that Jen will do very well. If her breathing stabilizes, they may try to lessen the sedative, but we can only hope that that best-case scenario comes to fruition. Otherwise, Jen will remain on an oxygen facemask, and be given an opium-based sedative that will serve to relax her breathing and heart rate, and keep her sufficiently sedated so as to not be in pain. One of the nurses told us it could be a few hours, maybe more, maybe less. Our expectation is that Jen will be in a better place sometime by tomorrow afternoon/evening. Jen has stated that she wished to be cremated, so we will do as she asked. As of now, the plan is to hold memorial services both in Jen's home state of Michigan, and her adopted home of Florida. It is our understanding that Marymount University, Jen's employer for the past year, will hold some type of service as well for people local to the DC area. Please keep Jen in your prayers, that as she leaves us, she do so with an overwhelming sense of peace, and for the strength to mourn her loss while celebrating her wonderful life. Thank you to all who have visited, and for all the thoughts and well wishes.
Jeremy, Jan, and Marie