Jen Update - August 1
Hey everyone....more Jen news....she was released from the hospital last Tuesday, and went down to the house in Woodbridge. She had appointments on Thursday and Saturday. Saturday, her platelet numbers were low, so they dumped two bags in her. I continued to move our belongings down while she was at the hospital on Saturday (and our cats!), and then met up with her and spent the night at the house. She continued to feel crappy on Sunday, although it didn't seem too out of the ordinary, as she has been plagued by fatigue. She started to experience pain and blood in her urine that night, with the symptoms continuing into Monday. The docs at Hopkins decided she should come in so they could check her out. Her platelet numbers had plummeted once again after only two days, and she was running a fever, so they decided to admit her again. They think she has a UTI, explaining the fever and blood, although they don't really know why there is so much bleeding. The sliver of good news is that the last DLI procedure only had 7 days before her white blood cells exploded again, requiring more chemo. This DLI procedure is going on 11 days, and the white counts are staying down. Let's hope this is a positive sign. Hopefully this will be a short stay......also, if anyone is able to possibly come spend some time with Jen, I would greatly appreciate it. Having to work so we have insurance means I don't get to be there for her as much as I would like. Hope everyone who reads this site is doing well. Keep the prayers coming!