Wednesday, July 19th
Marie and Travis are here! Marie is here for another Donor Lymphocyte Infusion that is happening on Friday. For Marie, she has to have a catheter put in and is hooked up to a machine that takes her blood, spins out the lymphocytes and then returns her blood to back to her. For me, its just like getting another blood or platelets transfusion - so its nothing special. But it should induce Graft versus Host Disease within the 60 days of the transfusion.
Most of this week has been spent contacting pro bono lawyers, the Equal employment Opportunities Commission, and my local Human Rights Office. My work is terminating me as of July 31st due to my illness making me unable to work. I do believe under ADA they are not allowed to fire me due to my illness. Everyone I have spoken with feels I have a case so I am in the process of formally filing a complaint. I want to keep my job, I love my job! If it comes down to it and they do want me there, I want a severance package as I had no plans to be out of work at this time. Its bad enough having an illness but now I have to fit for my job and housing. Now more than ever do I want my law degree so this doesn't happen to others!
Thursday, Marie, Travis and I are going to help me pick out a wig. It isn't covered under my insurance, but I can get reimbursed under Jeremy's FSA. I actually do not mind being bald, it is one of the only things that reminds me that I do have AML. But I miss twirling my hair too ;) and my head gets cold often. We are going to take pictures of the outing. Marie thinks I should get long hair and I want a hair style as similar to my natural hair as possible. I think I might post the pictures and get everyone's opinion! So watch out for those pics!
Good night, Jen :)